Nowadays, it is very common to hear about the importance of being healthy and everyone around us reinforces the urgency of taking care of our health. We hear “Now I’m healthy: I no longer eat sugar, gluten or lactose” is quite common. However, when referring to being healthy , most people think about feeling good about their body and the clothes they wear, without complexes.
What does it mean, after all, to “be healthy”?
When we talk about being healthy, it is important to clarify some concepts. We say phrases every day like: “I don’t eat white rice because it’s not good for your health”, “I only eat dark bread because it’s healthier” or “I’m going to run because it’s healthy”. In fact, we do all this because we are terribly afraid of summer, of wearing shorts or a bikini and being criticized.
Many times, we do a more intense workout to compensate for that sweet treat we couldn't resist and we give so much of ourselves that we don't have the energy left to do anything else. We no longer have time to have a conversation with our family and we prefer to spend hours on social media watching bloggers with “perfect” bodies who only post healthy foods .
We convince ourselves that, to be like those women and have a similar body, we can only eat “ healthy meals ” and exercise every day. But is that what being healthy is?
Don't defeat yourself! Being healthy is much more than having a sculpted body
Every time you can't resist food , or don't train because you're tired, you think: “I'm so weak... Tomorrow I have to train twice as much and eat half as much!”. Did I get it right?
There are several defeatist thoughts that run through our heads and the problem is that, when repeated too often, we start to like ourselves less and less.
I was like that too. I believed I was weak, that I was the only one who couldn't control my gluttony and that I would never be able to be healthy . Today, I can relativize and I would like to tell you that:
- It is not weak;
- It's not lazy;
- She's not the only one with uncontrollable desires;
- You're not the only one who loves sweets or fast food ;
- Nor is she the only one who thinks “lost by 100, lost by 1,000”.
There's nothing wrong with you! The only problem is constantly controlling, restricting and prohibiting. By wanting to be healthy and have a healthy body , you created a sick mind. I'm sure you make several mistakes that I would like to help you resolve by offering you some suggestions.
7 Tips to be healthier and happier
1. Don't stop eating carbohydrates
Your brain needs them. If you want, give preference to those that come from nature, such as rice and potatoes, but don't eliminate them.
2. Do not define prohibited foods
The more you say “no”, the more your brain will say “yes”. Remember: restriction breeds compulsion.
3. You won’t stop being healthy by eating “unhealthy” foods
Keep your mind healthy and understand that it is preferable to eat a little of “less healthy” food than pounds of supposedly healthy food.
4. Don't train to punish yourself
Move through something that gives you pleasure! You can dance, stretch or walk, but take care of your body as it is your temple.
5. Don't compare yourself to anyone and believe in yourself more
Be nice to yourself, pamper yourself, be patient and take care of yourself. We are all here for a reason, we all have a purpose. The only reason you haven't discovered yours is because you haven't looked for it! Seek knowledge, read, try new things, make a list of things you haven't done yet and would like to do. You'll see it will be worth it!
6. Be grateful for small achievements
Smile at the world and be grateful for the little things. The more you are grateful, the more the universe offers you.
7. Invest in self-knowledge
Make a list of your qualities and another of your defects. Think about the aspects to improve, your goals, objectives, desires, dreams and reflect on some attitudes. Question yourself and learn. Evolve and live in the present moment.
Life is wonderful when we realize that food is not the only pleasure. Believe! Trust! Life is Beautiful! If you haven't realized this yet, perhaps you've been distracted, lost in the opinions of others and the plans they have for you instead of yours.
Life is not meant to be lived with sacrifice, nor is it meant to be a constant struggle. Life is light! We all matter, we are unique and capable of anything. If you were lost, welcome back!
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Manuela Pires
Fantástico! É isso mesmo… Esta vida é para ser vivida😍😍♥️
Adorei o texto!
Fantástico! É isso mesmo… Esta vida é para ser vivida😍😍♥️
Adorei o texto!
Carla Malheiro
Adorei o artigo.
Acho que devemos mesmo priorizar a vida saudável sem fundamentalismos, mas encontrando prazer em comer forma corecta.
Adorei o artigo.
Acho que devemos mesmo priorizar a vida saudável sem fundamentalismos, mas encontrando prazer em comer forma corecta.
Dora Loureiro
Adorei este artigo! É isto mesmo e é isto tudo!
Castigamo-nos! Proibimo-nos! Para uma vida mais saudável, mas, será que que é isso que conseguimos? A verdade é que a felicidade está no equilíbrio!!!
Adorei este artigo! É isto mesmo e é isto tudo!
Castigamo-nos! Proibimo-nos! Para uma vida mais saudável, mas, será que que é isso que conseguimos? A verdade é que a felicidade está no equilíbrio!!!
Manuela Pedro
Maravilhooso artigo!! Adorei mesmo 😍
Maravilhooso artigo!! Adorei mesmo 😍
PAULA Martins
É fantástica Rita. Bem haja🙏🙏 eu c46 anos n posso fazer quase exercício devido a hérnias fiscais, inclusive fui operada a 2 anos, mas ouvi-la na Rita foi um lufada de ar fresco. Adorei d passei a segui la. Seja sempre Feliz
É fantástica Rita. Bem haja🙏🙏 eu c46 anos n posso fazer quase exercício devido a hérnias fiscais, inclusive fui operada a 2 anos, mas ouvi-la na Rita foi um lufada de ar fresco. Adorei d passei a segui la. Seja sempre Feliz
PAULA Martins
É fantástica Rita. Bem haja🙏🙏 eu c46 anos n posso fazer quase exercício devido a hérnias fiscais, inclusive fui operada a 2 anos, mas ouvi-la na Rita foi um lufada de ar fresco. Adorei d passei a segui la. Seja sempre Feliz
É fantástica Rita. Bem haja🙏🙏 eu c46 anos n posso fazer quase exercício devido a hérnias fiscais, inclusive fui operada a 2 anos, mas ouvi-la na Rita foi um lufada de ar fresco. Adorei d passei a segui la. Seja sempre Feliz
Excelente. Sem palavras pois é assim que me sinto muitas vezes. Amei 🖤
Excelente. Sem palavras pois é assim que me sinto muitas vezes. Amei 🖤