Wearing your gym clothes and getting into the workout spirit is the best trick to not miss a session. It's normal that you don't always feel motivated to train . After all, no one can be 100% motivated 365 days a year. The secret is to shut down that little inner voice that finds a thousand excuses to make laziness count!
When it's time to train , what do you feel? Do you think about all the tasks you have to do? In the morning, do you just want to sleep for another hour? In the afternoon, do you consider giving in to the temptation of going to the couch? The list of distractions seems endless and all you think about is the effort and sweat of training?
Well, sometimes starting training seems like a real workload. Thoughts like “it’s not worth it”, “it’s too much work” or “it’s going to be late” may arise. However, not everything we think is true.
The trick is to deal with thoughts as they arise. You have to stay focused on a toned and healthy body and remember that gains are built little by little.
We know that getting out of this type of reasoning can seem like a daunting task. However, there are ways to get around it, regain the motivation to put on your gym clothes and get started. Yes, because it only costs to start. Then, you just have to let yourself be carried away by the rhythm of the exercise.
1. Today is training day. Pause and take a deep breath
Stop your thoughts and remember why you train. What made you start? A health problem, depression, a forced choice or a will?
Where are you now? Take a good look at the journey you've already taken, what you've invested in getting here. Remember your achievements and your resilience so you don't give up . Still, do you feel like you should miss it? Do you think it's better to sit on the couch?
The journey to achieving your goals can be long and require patience, consistency and discipline. However, don't let an exception jeopardize your progress. Just one precedent is enough for your gym clothes to start being used for other purposes than the one for which they were purchased.
2. Feel the good energy as you wear your gym clothes
Take your gym clothes out of your closet. Wear each piece slowly, without rushing. Wear the leggings you love or the top that makes you feel confident. Complete the outfit with a colorful tank top or a motivational phrase. As you do so, notice the smile appearing on your face and the adrenaline rising. You can no longer, nor do you want to, avoid what will happen.
3. Have you found the motivation to train yet? Give everything and make your training count
When you finish getting dressed, look in the mirror and breathe again. Prepare the training space. Roll out your mat if you are going to train on the floor. Connect with those who support you, be it a friend or a personal trainer.
Even at home, you don't have to exercise alone. Watching an online class or making a video call gives you enormous strength and motivation to train. After the first exercise, you will realize that you made the right decision. You will feel like you belong there and thank yourself for not leaving it until tomorrow.
After another intense session, follow your ritual: take off your gym clothes, relax in a calm bath , hydrate your skin, eat well and think about everything you have achieved.
It's not always easy to train, but there are little tricks that help create motivation . If today you managed to overcome the little inner voice that demotivates you, congratulations! It's the small victories that will make you go further.
You know: take a deep breath, remember why you train and put on the gym clothes you love so much. Visit our online store now and buy the outfit that will give you that extra motivation to train!