Abdominal Diastasis has been a topic on social media. And that's good because it has captured women's attention to this situation. But we read and hear a lot of inaccurate information that is causing unnecessary panic.
Abdominal Diastasis is a change that occurs with some frequency - mainly associated with postpartum - but can (and should) be prevented and repaired.
In this article we decided to address this topic to make you feel calmer and more confident during the process of pregnancy and recovery from childbirth.

So what is Abdominal Diastasis?
A simple way to explain Abdominal Diastasis is to say that this is a separation of the right and left sides of the rectus abdominis muscle (the famous “six-pack”) due to a decrease in thickness and weakening of the connective tissue - called linea alba - that holds the two sides together.
A small separation is normal, but a separation of 3 cm (about 2 fingers) or greater is considered a Diastasis Abdominis (although a correct assessment is more than measuring the width of the gap).
It is important to understand that appearing to have an envy-inducing "six pack" does not mean that it is effective or strong and that there is no diastasis. They are different things that should not be confused.
What are the consequences?
This change in the abdominal area may indicate a weak and ineffective core , leading to a series of problems, including low back pain, pelvic pain, incontinence, constipation (constipation) or prolapse (dislocation of an organ out of its normal position). In addition to these, it can also increase the risk of developing a hernia.
Note: Hernias may require surgery to treat, while Abdominal Diastasis, which increases the appearance of a hernia, can be cured without surgery (preventive method).
What can cause Abdominal Diastasis?
To simplify the perception of the cause, we say that Abdominal Diastasis is caused by an increase in excessive pressure in the abdominal area. Although it can happen to anyone - men and women - it is very common during pregnancy because the growing belly increases pressure on the core . This type of Diastasis is also seen with some regularity in people who train with a lot of load without correctly contracting their muscles. The internal pressure is so great that the body gives way in areas of lesser consistency - hence the importance of correct muscle contraction during the practice of any strength exercise.
Is Abdominal Diastasis during pregnancy normal?
Yes it is! It is very important to note that Abdominal Diastasis is normal during pregnancy, up to a certain point. Because some abdominal separation is necessary to gain the space that will allow the fetus to develop in the uterus. In some people this need will be greater than in others, naturally.
So please don't panic if you feel any separation, especially during the third trimester, and don't try to "close" that space. Your body is - or will be - doing exactly what it's supposed to! With adequate recovery work, almost all abdominal area recoveries are possible and successful.
How to check if you have Abdominal Diastasis?
If you notice a bulge along your linea alba (center of the six pack) when you are making an effort movement that involves your abdominal muscle, then it is very likely that you have Abdominal Diastasis. It is often easier to see after pregnancy when the muscles are relaxed.
If you notice that lump standing out in your abdominal area, simply stop doing that movement because it could be harmful to your body.
You should contact a training professional to help you train correctly.
Prevention and Correction or Treatment
As in most cases, there are professionals who can help you. And since Abdominal Diastasis is a major concern for anyone who has been a mother or is about to become one, our suggestion is to get in touch with professionals who specialize in training for Childbirth Preparation and Recovery. They have specific and personalized training plans that also include this essential component for a healthy pregnancy or a successful recovery.
We hope this article helps you improve your quality of life and, if applicable, help you have a more pleasurable pregnancy and postpartum period!